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Council Newsletter, December 3, 2022

Hello Neighbors,

I have several updates to share with you in this newsletter, including information on winter compost pick-up, an upcoming Ward 4 constituent coffee hour, my nomination to city committees and commissions, and our council meeting on Monday night.

Winter Compost Pick-Up

The city's regular weekly compost collection ends for the year on Friday, Dec 9. It will switch to once-a-month winter collection of food scraps in compost carts beginning the week of January 2nd. February compost pick-up will be the week of Feb. 6, March pick-up will be the week of Mar. 6. To learn more:

Free Residential Sand and Salt

The City of Ann Arbor provides up to 5 gallons of free sand/salt mixture to help residents treat their sidewalks. The Ward 4 pick-up location is at Allmendinger Park. Specific pick-up locations around the city (scroll to bottom).

Pilot Snow-Match Program Seeking Volunteers

Ann Arbor Parks and Recreation is piloting a "snow-match" program to match volunteers with residents with disabilities or who are 55+ and do not have the resources to pay for snow removal. Icy or snow-covered sidewalks can be a danger to everyone, and we want to make sure people of all ages and abilities can get around safely. Right now, the program needs volunteers who want to help neighbors in need remove snow! Register to volunteer or email:

December Ward 4 Constituent Coffee Hour

I'm holding my next Ward 4 constituent coffee hour Sunday, December 18 from 1-2pm at York Food and Drink (1928 Packard St.). Coffee hours are an opportunity for us to discuss local issues and for me to hear what matters to you. I hope to see you there! RSVP (or just show up!)

Commission and Committee Appointments

Ann Arbor City Councilmembers serve as members of, or liaisons to, a number of boards, commissions, and committees. Assignments are made by mayoral appointment or City Council vote. For our City Council meeting on Monday, I've been nominated to the following (full resolution):

City Council Meeting, Monday, December 5th at 7pm

Please reach out if there are items on the agenda that raise questions, concerns, or thoughts for you. Email: Phone/text: 734-492-5866.

There are a few ways to share your thoughts on items on the agenda:

  • eComment

  • Email City Council:

  • Comment at the meeting (online or in person): Call the city clerk's office at 734.794.6140 beginning at 8 a.m. on the day of the meeting to reserve a public speaking time. NOTE: you do not need to reserve time to speak at a "public hearing."

A few items of note from the agenda:

  • CA-7 Resolution to Approve the Reallocation of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds. This resolution seeks approval to reallocate $500,000 of ARPA funds planned to build a Community and Law Enforcement Data Platform to fund the procurement of an ambulance for the Ann Arbor Fire Department and downtown service improvements. Several councilmembers (self included) asked questions to staff about this agenda item. You can read our questions and staff responses in the Agenda Response Memo.

  • DC-5 Resolution to Direct Planning Commission Following Stadium/Maple Rezoning to TC-1 (Briggs, Disch, Cornell, Akmon). This is a follow-up resolution to the recent rezoning of the Stadium/Maple Corridor to a Transit Corridor district (TC-1). It directs the Planning Commission to evaluate and recommend amendments to the TC1 Zoning District or the Unified Development Code (UDC) that incorporates limited automobile-related uses (excluding drive-throughs and gas stations) and addresses constraints in our existing narrow right-of-way.

  • DC-6 Motion to Suspend Council Rule 13 to Reconsider the Resolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Sam Schwartz Consulting, LLC (RFP 22-57; $134,271.00) and Appropriate Funds for the State Trunkline Jurisdiction Transfer Study ($160,000.00). If passed, this motion would allow Council to reconsider a previously voted down resolution to authorize a State Trunkline Jurisdiction Transfer Study and appropriate funds to accomplish the work. Currently, the state controls Jackson, Huron, N. Main, and Washtenaw Ave., and this has impeded our ability to make improvements that are consistent with our transportation plan and that prioritize safety, multi-modal transit, and accessibility (see the City Administrator's memo from January, 2022). If approved, the study would analyze and quantify the costs and benefits of the City taking over jurisdiction of these trunklines.

How Council Voted The Ann Arbor Voting Charts Project is a community-maintained for voting history for City Council. Check out the November 21, 2022 Voting Chart.


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