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Dharma's Council Newsletter, Budget Time (May 13, 2023)


Our next Council meeting is Monday, May 15th at 7pm. Before I get to a preview of our agenda, here are some updates about things going on around Ann Arbor.

Zero Waste Workshop

The City of Ann Arbor, Recycle Ann Arbor, and Perpetual are exploring the potential for a reusable foodware program in Ann Arbor. They are hosting interactive community workshops the week of May 22nd. Learn more and sign up here:

Ann Arbor Launches Pollinator Aware Lawn Care Program

The City of Ann Arbor is delighted to announce the launch of the Pollinator-Aware Yard Care program, the successor to last year’s No Mow May campaign. The program focuses on encouraging property owners to support native pollinator populations through sustainable yard care practices. Unlike No Mow May, the focus isn’t just on allowing turf grass to grow taller in the spring – it’s also on reducing the amount of turf grass in your yard, planting native plant species, reducing chemical inputs, leaving fallen leaves as pollinator habitat, and more. To learn more, see how you can get involved, and find links to educational materials, visit

City Council Meeting, Monday, May 15th at 7pm

Please reach out if you have questions, concerns, or thoughts on any of the agenda items. Email: | Phone/text: 734-492-5866

There are a few ways to share your thoughts on agenda:

  • eComment

  • Email City Council:

  • Comment at the meeting (remote or in person): Call the City Clerk's office at 734-794-6140 beginning at 8 a.m. on the day of the meeting to reserve a public speaking time. NOTE: you do not need to reserve time to speak during a "public hearing" item.

This agenda is almost exclusively focused on adopting the City budget, though we also have a first reading for a planned unit development on South Forest and will consider a resolution to designate Bicentennial Park.

  • C-1 An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 55 (Zoning), Rezoning of 1.2 Acres from R4C (Multiple-Family Residential) to PUD (Planned Unit Development District), 721 South Forest PUD Zoning and Supplemental Regulations, 721 South Forest. Approval of this ordinance will zone this property PUD (Planned Unit Development) to permit a 166-foot-tall structure containing 228 residential units and 733 bedrooms. The project is required to provide a minimum 15% of the total residential units be dedicated as affordable or a contribution in lieu of units. The petitioner has chosen to provide a cash in lieu payment of $4,700,000 (the required amount is $4,601,318). Staff has recommended that this be denied, while Planning Commission approved it. City Council makes final determination of approval. If Council approves on first reading, it will get a public hearing and second reading--with a final vote--at a later date.

  • DS-4 Resolution Directing the City Administrator to Designate Southeast Area Park as the 2024 Bicentennial Park (Ghazi Edwin, Radina, Harrison, Watson, Disch). Staff originally proposed that Fuller Park receive this designation. This resolution seeks to establish Southeast Area Park as Bicentennial Park based on its location in one of the most socioeconomically, racially, and ethnically diverse segments of the city.

Budget-Related Items

How Council Voted

The Ann Arbor Voting Charts Project is a community-maintained record of voting history for City Council. Check out the May 1st, 2023 Voting Chart.


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Paid for by The Committee to Elect Dharma Akmon. 1156 Glen Leven Rd. Ann Arbor, MI, 48103

© 2022 The Committee to Elect Dharma Akmon

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