Hello Neighbors,
I want to make you aware that City Council is holding a Work Session on Monday, January 30 at 4pm. During work sessions, staff give presentations to Council. One of the topics that will be covered in this session in the budget process.
Meeting Agenda
Location: Larcom City Hall, 301 E Huron St, Second floor, City Council Chambers. NOTE: this meeting will not be broadcast on Zoom or CTN.
Public Comment: In person only.
Snow Has Arrived! Don't forget the City provides up to 5 gallons of free sand/salt mixture to help residents treat their sidewalks. The Ward 4 pick-up location is at Allmendinger Park. Specific pick-up locations around the city (scroll to bottom). For information about our winter weather response or to see where the City is plowing during a snow event, please visit the city's snow removal page. As always, to report a problem and ensure the fastest response, please use our A2fixIt app or www.a2gov.org/a2fixit. Reminder: Community Input Sought for Urban and Community Forest Management Plan The City is seeking community input on the draft of the new Urban & Community Forest Management Plan recommendations by January 31, 2023 to measure if they are consistent with the values and needs expressed during the plan's public and stakeholder outreach that has been taking place over the last 10 months. Before taking the survey, visit city's forestry page to watch the recommendations presentation or read the slides that will provide background on the planning process, tree data, forestry operations and the draft recommendations.